116th Street and Range Line Road Roundabout

The existing signalized intersection will be fully reconstructed to a multi-lane roundabout. The reconstruction will include new full-depth pavement, curb and gutter, an enclosed storm water system, sidewalk, and a shared-use path with new curb ramps. Any private drives located within the limits of the intersection reconstruction will be replaced. Access to properties within the project limits will be maintained at all times. The intersection will be closed to thru traffic for North / South connectivity, but remain open for East / West connectivity with the option to turn North onto Rangeline from 116th Street for the portions of construction. - anticipated to begin on or after May 1, 2022

South of 116th Street a culvert replacement took place Spring 2021. A section of road was removed to install the new structure.

UPDATE: Phase 2 construction of the roundabout is underway and expect the roundabout to be substantially complete in August, additional work will take place in the roundabout through the fall.

For up-to-date information about this specific project, read the news release(s) from the City of Carmel below: